X, Triangle, Down + X, Down + Triangle and Down + Square can also be assigned their own singular attacks, though those attacks cannot be strung together like a combo. While seemingly simplistic, the player must consider the speed, fluidity, power, number of hits, and other special benefits of attacks such as the ability to launch an opponent or fill the Tension Gauge. Players can assign any combination of the game's 100 fighting moves into a four attack combo (though it eventually can become a string of five or six attacks with upgrades) mashing the square button fires off these attacks in the order assigned. God Hand is a brawler that draws much of its inspiration from games of the same genre from the 16 bit era, while still putting its own unique twist on the genre. God Hand was released as a downloadable game for the PlayStation Network US on October 4, 2011.

It is also known for its humorous and sometimes nonsensical story and eclectic, off-beat soundtrack. God Hand takes place in punk setting similar to other such properties as Mad Max and Fist of the North Star. It is a 3D brawler, taking inspiration from games like Streets of Rage and Final Fight from the 16-bit era, that was released in late 2006. God Hand was the last game made by the now defunct Clover Studio, and directed by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami.